-Natural Area Preservation (NAP)
Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas and to foster an environmental ethic among its citizens. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor parks. These tasks are performed by both staff and volunteers. Consider becoming a volunteer steward or join the burn crew.
-The Stewardship Network (TSN)
The Stewardship Network connects, equips and mobilizes people and organizations to care for land and water in their communities. On the second Wednesday of every month, TSN offers a webcast about topics of environmental interest with presenters who are leaders in their field. (These are archived.) In addition, each January TSN hosts a conference on the best ways to collaborate and care for our land and water.
-Wildflower Association of Michigan (WAM)
By increasing awareness and knowledge, The Wildflower Association of Michigan encourages the preservation and restoration of Michigan’s native plants and native plant communities. Over the past 35 years, WAM has offered a conference that presents “timely, actionable, and fascinating information about native plants and habitats, landscape design, wildlife, invasive controls, and much more.”
-Midwest Invasive Plant Network
Puzzled about the identity of that new plant? Find out if it is an exotic invasive and learn how to deal with it. Participate in the early detection rapid response program.
-Washtenaw County Conservation District
This is a local agency of the state government that assists Washtenaw County landowners and residents with the conservation and management of their natural resources. Its spring and fall tree and native plant sales are very popular. Get carried away with the order form and you, too, can walk out with a bag containing 250 trees and shrubs. Their Native Plant Expo & Marketplace brings together vendors and local organizations and also has a useful speaker’s series. (See: https://www.washtenawcd.org/npem.html)
-Washtenaw County Rain Garden Program
Intercept water runoff by planting a rain garden which will also provide pollinator habitat with shrubs and plants which will also bring you joy. Become a Master Rain Gardener by taking the inspiring course developed by Susan Bryan (and get a really cool t-shirt).
-USDA-NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service
This encyclopedic website is worth curling up with on a rainy day.
-UofM-LSA: Herbarium
This website is intended to be an evolving illustrated companion to the Field Manual of Michigan Flora by Ed Voss and Tony Reznicek. It presents photographs of the species and their diagnostic features.
-Tree Identification using a Tree Leaf Key
Quick and Easy Way to Identify 50 Common North American Trees
Excellent close-up photos of tree leaves, flowers, and fruits. Originally covering the trees of Northeast US, it will soon grow to include trees of the entire continental US. (Downloadable app available for mobile phones.)
-Erosion Control Products
-MSU-University Extension: A Field Identification Guide to Invasive Plants in Michigan’s Natural Communities
A free PDF is available for download and a hard copy is available for purchase on the Books & Educational Materials page of the MSU Extension’s Michigan Natural Features Inventory.