Native Plants Day in the River District
As part of the River Hop* join us for any or all of these great opportunities led by Wild Ones members:
10-11:15 am: Native Plants of the Cascades. Nancy Stoll and Stacie Printon will lead a tour of the native landscaping along the new Cascades (a whitewater rapids feature built by the City of Ann Arbor?a great place for tubing or a picnic!). Meet at the Argo Canoe Livery shelter. Best parking is at #3 on this map , which is near where the walk ends.
Noon-1 pm: Riparian Buffer along the Huron River. Marta Manildi will show the native landscaping she has created in her river?s edge yard that is both beautiful and so important for preventing stormwater runoff into the Huron. Great for pollinators too! 1045 Cedar Bend Dr.
1-5:00 pm: Come see Nancy Stoll?s amazing garden of native flowers, shrubs and trees which includes numerous micro-habitats?sun, shade, and hillside. Stop by anytime during these hours?Nancy has created a self-guided tour handout.
1314 Broadway St.
*River Hop: A weekend of fun activities located in the neighborhoods near the Huron River by Broadway and Pontiac Trail in Ann Arbor. For more info see click here .
Questions, contact Barbara Lucas at [email protected]. Hope to see you on the 29th, and bring your friends!