

Member-to-Member Garden Tour - Susan Beecher on Revising the Native Plant Garden Members Only

This event has ended
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
to (Eastern Time)
Chelsea, MI

Members Only Family Friendly Home Garden Tour

About the Tour

In the native plant groups on Facebook and in the Master Rain Garden group, I find that people often show photos of their new gardens, but they rarely talk about how they revise or redo older gardens. This tour will be about the whys and hows of the revisions I've done in my own garden. Members' thoughts and sharing will be welcome!


Gardeners know that any garden eventually need revising. Some plants die or never do well, while others get so aggressive that they crowd out other plants. Nature has ideas about what should grow there as well, whether it be weeds or even natives that you just don't want in that garden.

I started working last year on revising five of my gardens. Two were a mix of non-native perennials that had either been there for years or that I had moved from other places and some natives. Another garden was a mostly native bed that was weedy, and the natives I had planted there hadn't done well. I also had a shady bed that had become overrun by big-leaved aster and bluestem goldenrod, both native, but the effect was not pleasant. And this year, I had to do somewhat extensive culling and weeding of my biggest rain garden. All of these revisions required some new plants, of course!

LOCATION: The address will be shared with members via email.

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